
This musical tale tells the story of a young Breton teenager, Maël, who saves a sea turtle, Nyamba, from certain death. In return, she invites him on a trip across the oceans to find her magical kingdom.

The journey of Nyamba by Coralie Fayolle, a musical tale produced by local classes and an instrumental ensemble from the intercommunal music school.

This musical tale tells the story of a young Breton teenager, Maël, who saves a sea turtle, Nyamba, from certain death. In return, she invites him on a trip across the oceans to find her magical kingdom.

Their journey is peppered with encounters: a skipper in love with the sea, a boastful humpback whale or even the big plankton family! So many guides (more or less reliable) who will guide them through the currents and awaken children to the magic of the maritime world. But this journey is also one of raising awareness of environmental issues: plastic vortex, cyclone, then separation... The two protagonists are not at the end of their troubles.

Commissioned by the Villecroze Music Academy, recorded by the Maîtrise and the Radio France Philharmonic Orchestra, in partnership with the Fondation de la mer.

Rates / opening

Admission fees

Free. Reservation with Diapason.


Thursday May 22, 2025 at 18:30 p.m.