
Of all the gates of the Vercors, that of the Ecouges is the most vertiginous and the most picturesque. The vertiginous waterfall of the Drevenne which seems to block the passage and the daring corbelling carved into the cliff explain it sufficiently.

Of all the gates of the Vercors, that of the Ecouges is the most vertiginous and the most picturesque. The vertiginous waterfall of the Drevenne which seems to block the passage and the daring corbelling carved into the cliff explain it sufficiently.
From Rencurel in the direction of St Gervais take the Col de Roméyère on a magnificent little narrow corbelled road through the Ecouges forest. For canyoning enthusiasts, you will find the Ecouges waterfall here.

Type : Roaming

Rates / opening


All year round: open every day.