natural environments to preserve

Forests, gorges, rivers, fossil valleys... shape the landscape of Saint-Marcellin Vercors Isère and bear witness to the diversity and richness of our biodiversity. The protection of these environments classified as sensitive natural areas is therefore a major challenge.

View of the Isère valley from the Écouges hike in the VercorsPierre Jayet
Video sensitive natural areas Isère

what is a sensitive natural area?

These are exceptional sites for the richness of their fauna and flora! These protected areas are home to a wide variety of remarkable species, some endangered: plants, aquatic insects, birds...

Sensitive natural areas are labeled by the Department in order to implement a policy to protect these environments and raise awareness among the general public. In Isère, there are 17 departmental sensitive natural areas and 127 local sensitive natural areas which enhance the diversity of local biodiversity linked to altitude, fauna, flora or the nature of the soil.

More information

our 3 sensitive natural spaces

discover these natural spaces!

Visit these extraordinary sites accompanied by the department's nature guides during outings organized each summer.