Did you know that the paths of Santiago de Compostela cross the territory?

Discover this pilgrimage route from Gillonnay to Montmiral to reach Santiago de Compostela via Arles. This path makes its way through several of our villages through the Chambaran forest.

Mary Chioca

in the footsteps of ancient pilgrims

Pilgrims to Santiago de Compostela have traveled through France and Europe for nearly 900 years. Nowadays, the Via Adresca and the Via Rhodana, two secondary paths forming part of the "Via Gebennensis" linking Geneva to Arles, cross the territory and bring contemporary pilgrims in the footsteps of pilgrims of ancient times. Through the forest of Chambaran, this route will take them notably to Saint-Appolinard, Dionay and Saint-Antoine-l'Abbaye.

Three guides have been created by the Rhône-Alpes Association of Friends of Saint-Jacques to help you find your way along the way. They are on sale at the reception of the Tourist Office in Saint-Antoine-l'Abbaye.

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saint-antoine-l'abbaye, stage on the way to saint-jacques-de-compostelle

A place of hospitality for pilgrims and the sick, the Abbey of Saint-Antoine was known throughout Europe and many made the detour to venerate the relics before continuing their journey.

Pilgrims were welcomed there in the Saint-Jacques Hospital which was once located at the entrance to the village, towards Saint-Marcellin.

Pilgrim on the way to Santiago de Compostela in front of the abbey church in Saint-Antoine-l'AbbayeMary Chioca